Your Reinsurance Company
When you own your reinsurance company, you benefit from the opportunity to realize a greater share of the profits from the
collateral protection and extended service contract business you produce in a tax advantaged structure, laying the cornerstone to added wealth.
– Reinsurance company formation
– Financial statements and tax returns
– Funds are controlled by you


Collateral Protection Program (CPP)
As a creditor, you require the customer to obtain and maintain collision coverage to protect your collateral interest. YOU should have as much control as possible of that protection, including the costs of the coverage, and ultimately the profit generated.
– Reduce collateral risk
– Benefit your customers
– No licensing requirements
– Generate underwriting profit


Extended Service Contracts (ESC)
Selling service contracts to your customers, while potentially profitable, has always created an issue with payment upfront for the contract creating a “negative cash flow” situation. With our ESC program there is NO negative cash flow.
– Premiums are remitted monthly
– Balance is cancelled on loan defaults
– Retain the net profit after claims